On human health affects a huge number of circumstances. Bad habits, bad environment, the use of various medications, unstable psycho-emotional environment – this is just some of the factors that affect men's health. But there are factors, which affect very difficult, for example to change the environmentally troubled region to cleaner. But there are circumstances, to change which under the power of any man. A speech about nutrition. After all for anybody not a secret that there are products that increase the potency, and eat foods increase erectile dysfunction. So what should one eat to increase potency in men?

Food for potency
Menu for male reproductive health should be varied and balanced (lean meats, fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables). Men often wonder why what to eat to increase the potency?
Products increasing libido in men:
- mackerel;
- the liver;
- greens;
- cheese;
- Fig;
- lemon;
- apples;
- fat;
- radish;
- carrots;
- BlackBerry jam;
- mango.
With the right combination of these products in men's diets is a strong erection guaranteed!
Some exciting products for men also apply to women. For example: strawberry, avocado, chocolate, ginger.
Recipes for men's health
Useful products for men's body in the home can be turned into a delicious dish. Food to enhance male power, as a rule, should not be high. Basically it is the food of natural origin with a high content of protein, vitamins, minerals and other useful minerals.
Seafood pasta
We all know that seafood is a powerful aphrodisiac. And in combination with pasta of durum wheat they give not only a fantastically tasty dish, but the influx of male power.
List of ingredients:
- 400g seafood (shrimp, mussels, oysters);
- 250g cream;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- hard cheese;
- green onions;
- onion;
- olive oil.
- Boil pasta, add olive oil, to prevent it.
- Clean and cut the seafood.
- Pan-fried first with the garlic and onions.
- Then add seafood mix and cook for 3-5 minutes.
- Add green onions, to evaporate moisture, add cream and spices, bring to a boil.
- To pay for seafood pasta, stir and warm up.
- Sprinkle with cheese.
Scrambled eggs with onions
This seemingly simple dish has a remarkable ability to improve erectile function. Does not matter how you cook this dish. Main, that it was chicken or quail eggs and green or onions.
Chocolate shake
Hot chocolate without any additives has always been considered the drink increases libido. For the prevention of urological diseases, as well as to enhance erection men are encouraged daily to dissolve a piece of dark chocolate.
To prepare the cocktail you will need:
- 50 g chocolate (75%);
- 0,5 glass of milk;
- 70 ml of natural coffee;
- 1 tsp sugar;
- 3 PCs cardamom;
- nutmeg.
- To warm milk.
- Add the sugar and chopped chocolate.
- Banana grind in a blender.
- Make a mixture of coffee, banana and chocolate milk.
- Season with cardamom and nutmeg.
- Beat until a homogeneous mass.
- Pour into a glass.
Drinking this cocktail is recommended before intercourse. Because all of its ingredients are products to increase potency. It is proved that chocolate contributes to arousal and more vivid orgasm.
Products increase erectile function
Products that boost the strength men can find in any kitchen. These are natural products that do not contain preservatives and dyes that do not contain large quantities of cholesterol and good for the digestion. It's all bee products, beans, sea Kale, tomatoes. But not all foods that increase the potency of men, act immediately. Such products include:
- cicurina (camel's stomach);
- oysters;
- berries (raspberry, blueberry);
- pumpkin seeds;
- Mare;
- turnips.
By the way, the use of turnips is known since ancient times. Itself turnips boiled and its seeds are a remedy that quickly improves erection.
Products reduces the potency
That is better for potency understood. Now consider the products worsen sexual function:
- Beer. One of the worst enemies of men's health. Frequent consumption of beer the man is threatened by the increase of female hormones – estrogen.
- Sugar. If a person exceeds the daily rate of consumption of sweets (which is 6 teaspoons of sugar), he may face a reduction in potency.
- Semi-finished products. Even a child knows about the dangers of instant noodles or meatballs that just need to be warmed up. Such food is injurious to health of men in General and potency in particular.
- TRANS fats. Cheap solid oil which has a very negative impact on men's health. Contained in mayonnaise, chips, popcorn, industrial confectionery.
What is the impact of vegetarianism on the potency

Vegetarianism is the refusal of meat food of animal origin. People for whom a vegetarian diet is the norm – quite a lot. They often say that giving up meat has a positive effect on their health and sex life. But is it really?
Vegetarian foods to improve potency in men – fact or fiction? After all, from a medical point of view, the lack of animal fat adversely affects the production of testosterone. This hormone, known to be responsible for the functioning of the male reproductive system. In addition, the meat contained a unique, essential amino acids.
In fact, the debate on the topic of a vegetarian diet not subside. Supporters and opponents argue their position with confidence. Won't take sides, though the selection (which is the most useful for potency)will remain for everyone. Still, vegetarianism is not the worst thing that could be attracted to modern man.